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Our Philosophy & Vision

Eunoia acknowledges and values that a child’s first educator is their parent or guardian and aims to work alongside each family representative to ensure that each child’s health, education and wellbeing are inclusively met before their transition into primary education.

Eunoia’s desire to embrace early childhood education and quality care will stand as our highest priority by:

  • Creating safe education facilities that are designed to support each child’s safety and wellbeing within the planned age/stage rooms, out door play areas and family entrance areas.
  • Each service’s learning en vironment has been created with our early childhood educated management team to ensure that we provide an inviting environment that supports each child’s learning and wellbeing inclusively within our aesthetically and welcoming, secure and clean childcare centres.
  • Educated, passionate, experienced and caring staff have been employed to provide education and care to each child through their important early childhood years.

  • Eunoia curriculum provides whole education and care by following Urie Bronfrenbrenners ecological system; we ensure that aspects within the ecological system are included to ensure positive outcomes by including and adapting our curriculum to provide a whole independent education and care programme.
  • Our whole education and care curriculum is furthered by providing our Multiple Theorist Environment and Programme- multiple aspects from varying educational theorists-not limiting to one like other education services may do.
  • We implement both National Early Years Learning Framework and state frameworks.
  • We believe and promote the ‘UN Convention on the rights of the Child’ (UNICEF) and the ‘Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics’ (ECA).